How does an automatic organic waste composter work?

To begin with waste generated has to be segregated into Dry and Organic waste .Then the segregated organic waste has to be fed into the machine through the input provided in the top of the Organic Waste Composter Machine. At the input point a shredder is provided in the machine .
This shredder shreds the waste into very small pieces and transfers waste into the main composting tank. After all the waste is transferred into the composting tank post shredding the waste the shredder has to be switched off. Then finally Composting process is started . The waste inside the composting tank is churned continuously using a mixing arrangement . The waste consists of 80 -90% of water by volume. A heating and a humidity control arrangement is provided in the composting tank. The heating arrangement maintains a temperature of 60 – 65 degrees inside the tank and also the humidity inside the tank is maintained at a 60% – 70% level inside the tank. The bacteria present inside the tank thrives at a very high rate and decomposes the waste present inside the tank into organic manure at a fast pace. Also water present in the waste is reduced simultaneously. Continuous breakdown  of all the organic waste takes place during this composting process along wit drying up of all the matter.
This complete process is automatic and takes approximately 24 hours to completely convert all the waste into nutrient rich organic compost. This compost is rich in nutrients since the complete process of breakdown of waste is natural and aerobic and hence does not destroy the nutrient quality. Also physically the compost is small particles and dry in nature. This compost can be packed and transported also since it is dry in nature.
Organic compost can be used in gardening , agriculture , horticulture etc. to produce widespread greenery from waste by using Organic Waste Composter. 
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